Author: Victor Bruzzone
Ethics, Full Podcast Archive, Philosophy
EP23: Is Monogamy Immoral? (EP19 follow-up Feat. Harry Chalmers)
Listen nowOn this episode, we return for a sequel to EP19’s topic: the potential immorality of monogamy. On that episode, we discussed Harry Chalmers’ paper “Is…
Full Podcast Archive, Philosophy, Political Theory
EP22: Should We Abolish Elections? (On Guerrero’s Lottocracy)
Listen nowWhat if democracy isn’t broken, but its very foundation—elections—is the problem? In this episode, we unpack Alexander Guerrero’s provocative case for lottocracy: a system that replaces elected officials with randomly selected citizens. Guerrero argues that elections breed inequality, corruption, and short-term thinking, while lottocracy promises fairness and more authentic representation.
Full Podcast Archive, Philosophy, Psychology, Technology
EP21: Is There Space for Revolutionary Thought Online? (Interview with Mike Watson)
Listen nowIn this episode, we welcome Mike Watson, political theorist, artist, and author, to explore the intersections of digital culture, socialism, and existential thought. We read Mike’s new book where he explores how online culture shapes our understanding of community, addiction, and identity in the digital age.
Full Podcast Archive, Philosophy, Psychology, Science
EP20: Are Humans Actually Irrational? (On Thaler and Sunstein’s Libertarian Paternalism) Feat. Gordon Katic
Listen nowIn this episode, we ask, how irrational are human beings really? To answer this, we read Richard H. Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein’s classic essay on “libertarian paternalism” which argues that because human beings are easily manipulated by their surrounding “choice architecture”, governments should use this mechanism to encourage citizens to make better choices.
Ethics, Full Podcast Archive, Philosophy, Psychology
EP19: Is Monogamy Morally Permissible (On Harry Chalmers’ Argument Against Monogamy)
Listen nowIn this episode, we examine Harry Chalmers’ provocative take: monogamy is morally suspect. Why should we treat restricting romantic partners any differently than restricting friendships? Since restricting our partner’s friends would seem pathological, so too, restricting sexual and romantic partners.
Ethics, Full Podcast Archive, Political Theory
EP18: Is Free Speech Actually Bad? (On Brian Leiter’s Case Against Free Speech)
Listen nowOn this episode, we dive deep into Brian Leiter’s “The Case Against Free Speech.” Leiter questions the sanctity of free speech, suggesting that not all speech deserves equal protection if it causes societal harm.
Ethics, Full Podcast Archive, Philosophy
EP17: Should We Sacrifice the Utilitarians First? (Smilansky’s Designer Ethics) Ft. Ben Burgis
Listen nowIn this episode, we delve into Saul Smilansky’s provocative paper, “Should We Sacrifice the Utilitarians First?” which introduces the concept of “Designer Ethics” (DE). Smilansky argues that individuals’ moral views should influence how they are treated in moral dilemmas
Ethics, Full Podcast Archive, Philosophy, Political Theory
EP16: Should Philosophers Stay Out Of Politics? (On van der Vossen’s Defence of The Ivory Tower)
Listen nowOn this episode, we read Bass van der Vossen’s “In defense of the ivory tower”. On this view, philosophers should stay in their lane. That lane being, the pursuit of Truth! Partisanship is opposed to truth and is a danger to academic integrity.
Criminal Justice, Ethics, Full Podcast Archive, Philosophy
EP15: Is Zoophilia Morally Permissible? (On Bensto’s Defence of Zoophilia)
Listen nowHide your cats, hide your dogs, we’re talking about Zoophilia. In a 2023 article, Bensto (pseudonym) attacks one of our most deeply entrenched social taboos: animal-human sex.
Ethics, Full Podcast Archive, Philosophy
EP 14: What if Moral Philosophy is Immoral? (On Brennan and Freiman’s Moral Philosophy’s Moral Risk)
Listen nowIn this episode, we debate a dilemma at the root of moral philosophical inquiry: either philosophers should avoid risky topics that could violate moral norms (such as expressive duties not to offend), or they must be granted some level of exemption from these duties in their professional work.